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  • Maths in Secondary

    Published 19/03/24

    Students have been working hard in maths!

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  • Science Week

    Published 18/03/24

    The theme for Science Week this year was 'Time' - a fitting theme as it was the 30th anniversary! 

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  • Secondary Project day

    Published 12/03/24

    Thank you so much to the employers who joined us at school to help our secondary pupils with an exciting project day focused on building eco/sustainable housing.  

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  • Author David Barker Visits

    Published 12/03/24

    We were very excited to introduce David Barker a well-known author to our secondary students today

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  • World Book Day

    Published 07/03/24

    Our students had a blast on World Book Day! They rocked some amazing costumes, bringing their favourite characters to life. The energy was infectious as they paraded around, from Dogman to Ron Weasley, there was lots of fun to be had. They also got stuck into a book-themed quiz testing their literary knowledge.

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  • Leavers Reunion

    Published 05/03/24

    At the end of February, we celebrated our annual reunion event, gathering nearly 100 people together, including alumni students and parents, current year 10 and 11 students and their parents, as well as staff.

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  • History Workshops - Ancient Greeks and the Tudors

    Published 04/03/24

    History was brought to life for our students on Friday through two dramatic interactive workshops delivered by Ufton Court. 

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  • Term 3 Highlights

    Published 06/02/24

    The students were lucky to have Rocksteady Music come into school this term for a music workshop with the primary and Key Stage 3 children.

    Some of the photos can be found in our gallery here: /gallery/?pid=3&gcatid=1&albumid=31

    and have a listen to one of the final pieces. 

    During Children's Mental Health week this week, the focus has been on "my word matters". We've seen presentations on mental health, trips to a cafe for a treat and a chat, mindfulness, positive affirmations and marshmallows around the campfire with discussions about 'my word matters'. The secondary students have also been discussing what helps when we get anxious or stressed and shared inspirational quotes. 

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  • Term 2 Round up

    Published 05/12/23

    It's been another Jam-packed term at Heathermount, here's just a little snippet of what everyone has been up to! 

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  • Maths this term

    Published 05/12/23

    Secondary Maths has been busy this term! Read all about what each group has been up to.

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  • Elm class Learn about the Romans

    Published 08/11/23

    This term, Elm class are exploring the Romans in Britain as their topic.   They began the unit by exploring some ancient Roman items and using their inference skills to try and work out what they may have been used for and who they were used by. The class were excited to try on some of the Roman items for themselves! 

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  • Highlights from Term 1

    Published 18/10/23

    It has been an exciting start to the new school year.  Here are just a few of the highlights from term 1 to give you a flavour of what we have been up to at Heathermount.  See our photo Gallery for more pictures

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