Maths in Secondary

Students have been working hard in maths!
Neptune and Saturn
Neptune and Saturn have been learning about operations and directed numbers this term.
They have been adding and subtracting integers, using number lines and counters to help them understand the concept.
Jupiter and Pluto
Jupiter and Pluto class have been focused on fractions and percentages and will move onto standard index form and number sense.
They can find the percentage change in a cost or amount, calculate sale prices and even find the price of an item that is already in a sale!
Mars, our Year 10 group, has some students studying for GCSEs and some studying for a Functional Skills qualification. The GCSE group has been focused on real-life graphs, ratio and proportion and properties of polygons. They will be finishing the term by revising their knowledge of linear equations and learning about indices and surds.
Have a go at these questions from the Year 10 GCSE curriculum.
Mercury, our Year 11 class, will be sitting their exams in May and June this year.
They have revision guides to help them study along with access to MyMaths which has a lot of support to revise difficult topics. This term we have been using Friday lessons for individual revision, Jean is present to help when needed.
The other lessons have been focused on learning the last couple of topics; Algebraic Fractions, Circle Theorems and Rate of Change.
Here are two revision question the group has worked on together this term to prepare for their exams. Give them a go!
(Total 5 marks)