Careers Education
Learning opportunities for our students
Our Careers Lead is Ros Gilbert -
Careers Education within the curriculum is interconnected with the transition support that our students receive.
The curriculum covers:
Work experience within school:
All students who undertake Catering, Horticulture and Business Admin (BA) are required as part of the course to experience working conditions, as well as develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected within the world of work. This is conducted within a safe and protected environment, however, allowing students to put their skills and qualities into action and receive both formative and summative feedback on their development. As a school, we are very proud that several students, following their experiences at Heathermount, have been employed by the school, now or in the past.
Work experience within the school includes:
Business Admin
We are very proud to offer our students the chance to interact with employers on a regular basis with opportunities for employers to come in and work with our students on a whole school project day as well as employers delivering subject-specific talks in different curriculum areas in lessons and assemblies.
First Aid
All secondary students will have the opportunity to take part in a whole day First Aid course, equipping them with useful life skills they can utilise in school and home life.
Procedures and resources
- Provision of employer encounters during KS2, KS3 and KS4
- KS2, KS3 and KS4 will all receive discreet Careers lessons
- KS3 and KS4 will all receive embedded Careers learning as part of BA, PSHE, Horticulture, Catering and Employability
- Careers and Education opportunities explored across the curriculum
- Consistent transition support to college and/or employment
- Inclusion and enrichment opportunities and programmes to support careers advice and guidance
Performance indicators
There are a variety of indicators that we use to monitor career education at Heathermount:
- That parents feel confident in supporting their young person in their decision-making
- To complete the Gatsby benchmark tool once a year to give us guidance and recommendations of careers improvement across the school
- Feedback from staff and students on our scheme of work for Primary and Secondary
- Students will have access to local colleges to support their transition and decision-making
- Students will visit a local university to inspire them to look at degree opportunities in the future
- Zero NEET (Not in Employment or Education) students
- Effective work experience opportunities for all students within KS4
- Access to quality careers fairs that provides a safe, realistic and engaging opportunity to our learners
- Employability skills development, assessment and reporting to students and parents/careers including mock interviews with employers