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Exam Information

Welcome to the Heathermount exam page. It is hoped that you will have all your questions answered on this page. If you have any queries or concerns, please do contact us. 

Supporting your child through their exams

For useful tips on how to support your child through their exams do look at the Young Minds website   It provides really useful advice and information on where you can get help.

External examinations

Prior to your exams you will receive your individual exam timetable. You must check everything on your timetable very carefully and check you have been entered for the exams you think you should. Please check all the details carefully -date, time and duration of exam. If you think something is wrong, speak to your teacher in school.

Exam location

The examinations will generally take place in the Sports Hall, but in some cases other rooms around the school may be used.

Exam times

Examinations will normally begin at 9:20 in the morning and 1:00 in the afternoon. Please arrive promptly and wait outside the door ready to enter the room ten minutes before the start of the exam. Please make the appropriate transport arrangements to ensure that you are in school in time to start the examination at the right time. If you are late, telephone the school reception on 01344 875101. You should still come into school as soon as possible and start the examination late. You may not be allowed to sit the examination if you arrive 30 minutes after an examination has started, or, for papers of less than one hour, if you arrive once the paper has been completed.


If you are ill on the day of the exam and unable to attend school you must inform the school, by telephoning 01344 875101. A JCQ self certification form (form 14) is always required if you miss an examination through illness. The Examination Boards will decide whether they can award a grade or whether you will need to sit the examination at the next session.

What do I bring with me to the exams?

The school will provide a set of writing equipment for every student for the examination.

This will contain black biro pens, pencils, rubber and rulers. Mathematical equipment, including a calculator, will be provided when the exam paper states it is needed. 

May I bring a drink?

Students may bring a small bottle of still water into the exam room. This has to be in a clear bottle with no labels on.

Exam boards


City & Guilds




Arts Award