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Key dates

Here are some key dates for your diary:

Easter holiday: Fri 29 March to Fri 12 April

Inset Day: Mon 15 April

Start of Term 5 for students: Tue 16 April

Parent Forum on eSafety and digital footprints: Wed 8 May (6pm to 7:30pm in school)

Virtual Parents Evening: Thu 16 May (4pm to 7pm)

Royal Ascot Week: w/c 17 June - be aware of increased traffic

Parent Coffee Afternoon: Mon 24 June (2:30pm)

May half-term: 27-31 May

Start of Term 6 for students: Mon 3 June

End of term celebration: Tue 23 July (10am to 2pm)

Last day of term for students: Wed 24 July

Inset day: Thu 25 July 

End of Term Celebration