Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is the provision that Heathermount School makes to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of your child. It is at the heart of what we do and we place as much importance on this as academic attainment. If your child feels safe, happy, involved and integrates well with the other students they will be able to perform to their potential.
Our aim is to nurture the individual needs of each child and support their families too. Without family support, children cannot thrive and achieve their full potential. We believe that a trusting and empathic relationship between school and home is essential and the role of the Pastoral lead is to co-ordinate this and ensure that families do not feel left out or unsupported for any reason. At Heathermount we want everyone involved with our school to feel understood and supported and to be a part of Heathermount.
Our pastoral team can offer services directly to you or can signpost you to external agencies that may have the support and guidance you need. Here are a few of the things we can support and provide guidance about:
- Behavioural management strategies
- Mental health & well-being advice
- Anxiety
- Sensory issues
- Toileting and sleep issues
- Supporting on completing DLA or PIP forms
- Finding local provisions for extra curriculum activities
- Translation of school documents into other languages
- Support preparing for annual reviews and other key events in school
- Hosting parent forums
- Supporting families of students with low school attendance
- Transition
- Referral to external professional services such as CAMHS
- Transport issues
- Going on holiday
- Bereavement and illness
- Going to the doctors/dentist
- Drugs & alcohol issues
- Domestic violence
- Links to other parents for support
Your Pastoral Support Team are: