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Home to school transport

The regulations for post 16 transport to and from school change.  There is no statutory requirement to provide travel assistance for post 16 students.

You should check with your local authority for their process. All students have the right to apply for transport assistance, but there is no guarantee that your child will automatically have access to Home to school transport once they reach age 16. All young people that plan to carry on with their education post 16 must re-apply for travel support. If transport is agreed for students aged 16-18 years old, it may be that there is a parental contribution required towards the travel assistance. Details for this contribution should be available on the local authority local offer website.

This is not something that we as a school have a responsibility for, so you will need to re-apply for Home to school transport to your local authority by the end of the summer term, in order to ensure that this is in place for September. It is strongly advised that you do this as soon as possible.

Application forms will be available on your local authority website. Please search under the Local offer, or contact your case officer.

Preparation for Transition

More information on preparing your child for their transition can be found on the NDTi, National Development Team for Inclusion, website. 

Managing money and finding employment

The National Autistic Society offer three free courses for autistic people - one on managing money,  one on finding employment and one on the mental health of autistic teenagers. 

College Open Days

The document attached below provides details of the open days taking place at local colleges: